I have a general question about OJS: We are about to move a journal to OJS, and in addition to the journal we have a database of approx. 1.000 academic articles (doctoral thesis from last 100 years, not printed in our journal). The database contains various metadata (subject, author, university, type, date, summary etc.) and our users should be able to search by the metadata fields (like put in the name of the author in a search form). Is there a reasonable way of using OJS for the article database or are we better off with another system for the article database?
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If your university has a publication repository (most have, e.g. based on DSpace, EPrints, Fedora, or other repository software), wouldn’t it be better to have this information including full-texts (if available) there? These repository softwares have good search capabilities and also offer long-term archiving and finely graded access control to the documents.
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Hi @Bjorn_Axelsen,
Depending on your aims, OPS may be useful.