Can I Use Both the ORCID Profile Plugin and OpenID Authenticate Plugin for the Same Journal with a Public API ORCID Account?

I have already set up the ORCID Profile plugin, and it is working properly. Now, I intend to set up the OpenID Authenticate plugin as well. To configure the latter plugin, I must enter a specific redirect URL specified by the OpenID plugin. However, ORCID rejects this and returns an “Invalid Redirect Error” As shown in the attached screenshot.

I have searched extensively but to no avail. I thought there might be a way to generate another Public API, but I can’t find any option to do so. I know I can use Google or Microsoft for authentication as well, but I feel ORCID would be more appropriate for an academic journal.

My question is this: Can both plugins be used for the same journal? If so, how can I do it with a Public API ORCID account?

Both Plugins are the latest
I am on OJS

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I solved this problem by asking an associate editor with an Orchid account to register for a public API, which I used to register OpenID.

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