Describe the issue or problem
Articles that have been submitted with QuickSubmit (v1.6.0.1) on OJS-3.3.0-15 can’t be published nor unpublished. Upon publishing, the following error message is displayed: " You don’t currently have access to that stage of the workflow."
Steps I took leading up to the issue
Upload article with QuickSubmit
Go to Publication Tab of the submission
Schedule for Publication
Publish → error message “You don’t currently have access to that stage of the workflow.” (and 403 HTTP status in the access log for
/{journal}/api/v1/submissions/{submission_id}/publications/{publication_id}/publish )
Nothing is displayed in the PHP error log for this action.
Go to a submission that has earlier been uploaded with QuickSubmit
→ error message “You don’t currently have access to that stage of the workflow.” (and 403 HTTP status in the access log for
/{journal}/api/v1/submissions/{submission_id}/publications/{publication_id}/unpublish )
Nothing is displayed in the PHP error log for this action.
Publishing/Unpublishing works after in the Worflow > Submission tab of a submission an editor has been assigned manually.
Articles that are uploaded with QuickSubmit should automatically get a participant assigned in the submission stage, e.g. the person (usually the journal manager who has the right to use QuickSubmit) responsible for QuickSubmit submission.
What application are you using?
QuickSubmit 1.6.01
Additional information
The bug can’t be reproduced with OJS 3.3.0-13 and QuickSubmit . So it must have been introduced with OJS-3.3.0-14 or higher (probably stronger check in the lib/pkp/classes/security/authorization/internal/… classes).