Hi, I am running the site http://ocs.caaconference.org/ . There few issues i have run into, one of them is that “Browse by title” list is empty. Other lists are ok, except the content of the abstract is not visible when you are not logged in ( http://ocs.caaconference.org/index.php?conference=caa&schedConf=caa2016&page=paper&op=view&path[]=1743 ).
Any hints how to get the title list visible and how to show completed/accepted abstracts without requiring authentication.
Many thanks in advance
Hi @Hembo_Pagi,
Have you checked your PHP error log? Blank pages often indicate that a PHP error occurred and you should be able to find more information in the log.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
What i meant by empty was, that the list of titles are empty
Other question about displaying accepted abstracts without logging in i fixed with the small code change (commenting out line 460 in pages/paper/PaperHandler.inc.php), but thats not the perfect way to do it.
Hi @Hembo_Pagi,
Check that…
- The conference is enabled (see the Site Manager’s list of conferences and Edit your conference)
- Papers and abstracts are flagged as posted and the date is in the past on your Timeline form
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team