Hi! When I re-arrange the order of block contents in the sidebar, the contents on the sidebar went to the footer in the page index.php/pub/index but in the other pages the sidebar is normal. What should I do to fix this? Thanks!
Hi @patriciaaa101,
Is your website live somewhere I can check it?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello @asmecher, the website is in a local server.
Hi @patriciaaa101,
I expect the problem is happening due to either the main content pane or the sidebar exceeding its permitted width, which may bump the sidebar below the main content pane. If I were debugging this, I’d use a developer tool like Firebug for Firefox to inspect the elements and check their expected widths.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher, is it possible that the width of the sidebar and the main content change even if didn’t change anything?
Hi @patriciaaa101,
I’m afraid this will be pretty hard to debug remotely – perhaps @NateWr can spot it?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yeah, we’ll need to be able to look at the problem directly. If you can host it temporarily somewhere, you can send me a link via a private message and I’ll take a look.