I have ojs 2.4.x running like a charm. The ‘config.ini.php’ has an entry to ‘files_dir = /home/users/web/b98/ipage.user-id/ my-ojs-store’. But, nevertheless, the folders in ‘ojs/public’ and ‘files_dir’ are empty.
The submitted files should live in the “files_dir” location; OJS can’t serve up the article files without them present in that directory. Under the files_dir, you should see a folder “journals”, and then folders by journal_id. Can you verify this exists?
The problem was with file viewer from ‘ipage.com’ as all the submitted files were under ‘files_dir’. I manage to make an upgrade and it went smooth except few php warnings and two or three DB errors.
The site seems to be working fine but not sure if the upgrade was for real! Is there any way to check if anything is broken? I am not really a user of this site.
I would suggest searching for the warnings and errors you saw in the upgrade in this forum. You may find a relevant topic with existing guidance, or where you can ask a followup question. If you don’t find an existing answer, please post a new topic related to your specific warnings and errors, and describing the process you used to upgrade.