I have problem. If we publish back issues. We can’t tag that article to rescetive author. Anybody having solution for this. Please help me in this regard.
Example: John published paper in same journal long befrore. In this case, how to tag his back issue publication to his profile. So, that he can view published articles.
What version of OJS are you using?
Do you mean that you wish to associate imported back issue content (e.g. via QuickSubmit or XML import) with an author’s account within OJS? If so, I’m not sure that will be feasible since when importing content it does not associate content with author accounts since there it did not originate as part of the submission process and there is no editorial history.
When importing via QuickSubmit, you won’t be able to associate the back issue content with the author’s account - OJS does not support this feature, since the content is created independently from the editorial workflow (i.e. the author making submissions through the OJS system).