We would like to implement automatic sending of a thank you email to reviewers, when they submit their review. Our section editors often forget to send out this email and we would like that reviewers get some feedback after finishing their work.
I saw that this is an open request on Github (Automatically Thank Reviewers · Issue #1661 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub) and is scheduled for OJS 3.0.2. Would it be possible to implement this in 2.4 branch? We are not ready yet to switch to 3.0.
Best wishes,
Hi @AlesKladnik,
We’re not likely to back-port many features to OJS 2.x – it represents a doubling of development effort. This might best be done as a local modification if you’re not ready to move to OJS 3.x yet.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Alec,
I totally understand that non-critical features will not be developed for 2.x branch. I’ll try to make a local modification, but I’ll wait to see how it will be implemented in OJS 3.X. Do you know perhaps if this is already done? If it is it would probably be visible in github under Automatically Thank Reviewers · Issue #1661 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub, or is there any other place I should look for it?
Thank you for help!
Hi @AlesKladnik,
It hasn’t been done yet for OJS 3.x, but is currently scheduled (as you note) for consideration at the 3.0.2 milestone (and you can see release scheduling for that on the github milestones page. It’s not a major feature for 3.0.2 so may get deferred depending on other things.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team