Automatic review reminders


under Review Options we can set up two different reminders:

  • If reviewer has not responded to a review request within X days
  • If reviewer has not submitted a recommendation within Y days days after review’s due date

Is the second reminder sent only after reviewer accepted the request or even in case he/she did not accept review request?


Hi @piotreba,

Which of our software are you using, and what version?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I’m using OJS

Hi @piotreba,

The second reminder should only be sent after acceptance is confirmed.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher,

We have a running version of 3.0.1. Six months ago we had a submission that was declined by the editor after sending review requests to a few reviewers. Surprisingly just recently review request reminders have been sent to all those reviewers who had not responded at that time. Do you see what could be the problem?



executeActions I can see if a submission is not QUEUED, it will skip sending reminders. Would you please explain what is STATUS_QUEUED?

define('STATUS_QUEUED', 1);
define('STATUS_PUBLISHED', 3);
define('STATUS_DECLINED', 4);

I was thinking maybe the submission’s status was wrong that it sent reminders. Can we change the check like below?

if ($submission->getStatus() == STATUS_DECLINED || $submission->getStatus() == STATUS_PUBLISHED) continue;


Hi @salehig,

It’s very likely that any issues around this have been fixed in a more recent release; I’d strongly suggest upgrading before trying to diagnose a bug.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team