Automatic CrossRef registration fails

Hi @carola

Yes, we could try to figure out together what is going on:
Concerning the notice you see: try to change that line of code to be like here: ojs/ at ojs-2_4_8-2 · pkp/ojs · GitHub

Else, see also this post regarding the status change and used Crossref deposit API: [OJS 3.0.2] CrossRef XML Export Plugin: Status not refreshed properly.
I.e. Could you double check the status of those DOIs using that API URL from that post i.e. if the status is “submitted” also there. (Sometimes there is a problem with that Crossref API – it is not seen as ‘productive’ but we also do not have any other way/solution for now). In that case, could you try to contact the Crossref support and ask why the deposits are not processed. Else, let me know what do you see from that URL response.

And finally, if you consider upgrading to the OJS 2.4.x version then please not to the 2.4.8-1 but to the most recent one…
