One of our journals has problems with automated email reminders. Although they deselected the ‘Reviewer Reminders’ under Setup > Step 2. Journal Policies > 2.2 Peer Review > Reviewer Reminders over a month ago some of their reviewers still receive the automated reminder. Besides that the reviewers already have sent their reviews.
Strange isn’t it?
Niels Erik
Hi @nef,
Is it possible that these messages are being sent out by a development or testing copy of your system?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Automated Email Reminders is disabled. It is showing scheduled_tasks option in the OJS configuration file. Please guide me how can i do this.
My OJS version is Thanks in advance.
Hi @hussainyousaf,
Rather than re-opening an old thread, could you post this as a new topic?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team