Hi hope you will be great there. I am using OJS and the files are going to store in the file manager directory known as xxx. The auto removal of directory occur from file manager. Will you kindly let me know what should be the permission of directory to stop auto removal.
Hi @sciplatform,
Do I understand correctly that you want to prevent the file manager from removing some contents from within the files_dir
(as configured in config.inc.php
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Open Journal System is an open source journal managing system however copying contents from different websites is ethically and legally wrong. I see Scientific Platform is copying theme from different websites. The website administrator have copied contents from Simon Fraser University however, we have no affiliation with Scientific Platform. I request the admin to immediately remove the contents from their website otherwise, it will attract a legal action against this organization.
Hi @scgibson,
I’m not sure I follow – can you clarify if there’s infringement and what its nature is?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
All the theme developed by PKP are released under a GPL license and they are free to use. The above mention theme is default theme of OJS 2.4.8. Due to some error, the notice was appeared and it was removed immediately. The organization did not infringement.