Tonight, I upgraded our journal’s system from OJS 3.0.2 to 3.1
My first opinion is that it has made a great progress and gets closer to perfect.
Thanks to all developers once again.
What I noticed is that when a reviewer logs in, he (or she) can see the authors’s names above the title.
how can we solve it immediately? Screenshot is attached.
Best regards,
Dr Uğur Koçak
Hi @drugurkocak,
Thanks for reporting – this is a known issue and there is already a provisional patch available for it. Expect this to be finalized early in the week. Author names can be exposed to some reviewers · Issue #3070 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Sorry for disturbing about a previously asked issue.
Actually, I did some research before posting but I couldn’t notice that it was reported before.
I applied the fixes and the problem was solved.
Best Regards,
Ugur Kocak