Once an Author finishes a submission, is it impossible to replace or add new submission files? If the role is only that one, once the submission process is finished the user can’t upload new files.
I’m asking just for that particular user/role that doesn’t have other roles or permissions.
Best regards
Hi @digitojs,
Which application and what version are you asking about? (Please include this information in your posts.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Sorry for not providing the info.
I’m using OJS 3.0.2.
Best regards
Hi @digitojs,
Once the author has submitted the submission, if they need to replace the submission file, they’ll need to liaise with the Editor to do so. If they want to reach the Editor with a new version before the review process begins, for example, they could use the “Pre-Review Discussions” tool to contact the editor and let them know about a significant problem with the submission. The Editor could, if they agree, upload the file as a revision to the original submission document. However, the author can’t directly replace the submission file after the submission is complete.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Thank you for your reply.
This question emerged because in one of the journals that we host, their “manager”, said that some authors (being him one author too), submitted incomplete or wrong files and wanted to replace them before the review process. I understand the iterations you describe about the communication with the Editor, but the author intended that the file replacement was directly made by him. Being this the proper functionality of the system and not possible to adapt the roles, I think the solution is the one you described or giving Editor permissions.
Thank you again,
Best regards