On one journal the copy editor is getting this JSON error when trying to access a Draft file:
{“status”:false,“content”:“You have not been assigned to this submission with a role that is allowed to access this operation.”,“elementId”:“0”,“events”:null}
As can be seem on the table, the file 81438 is given the error, and the only thing I noticed that is different in this file from other files that the copyeditor has access is the assoc_type column. And if I set the assoc_type from 520 to NULL, he can download the file, which confirms this hypothesis. What could have caused this, and what is the purpose of assoc_type there?
Hmm… The assoc_type = 520 means it is a file from a discussion, in your case probably “Copyediting Discussion”. Could you maybe double check in the backend, where that file actually is – is that file with the ID 81438 in “Draft Files” grid (when you go with the mouse over the file link there, you will see the submissionFileId in the browser’s footer), or maybe in one of the discussions in the “Copyediting Discussion” grid (e.g. when you edit the discussion and go over the file link) on the Copyediting page?
Looking at the submission history it seems like the file did come from the discussion but the Copyeditor should have been able to download it, right? The order seems to be:
03/10 - file received on discussion.
15/10 - file selected to the Draft Files section and Copyeditor assigned (not sure which came first).
Looks like this file was the only one that the copyeditor could not download, and after changing the 520 to NULL the issue was solved…