Hi, I saw somewhere a feature request to have automatic DOI suffix
assignment (using the ‘Assign DOIs’ button on the DOI plugin settings)
which conforms to Crossref specifications i.e. not human readable
form. The patterns in the plugin use submission data which is human
readable and so gives a suffix which does not conform. I have modified
the OPUS-OJS-DOI-Plugin to generate a randomly generated character
string and that allows the generation of conforming DOIs for
individual submissions but that change is not reflected when one
invokes the ‘Assign DOIs’ button to assign DOIs to all articles that
do not have DOIs already assigned. I haven’t been able to find the
original post about the feature request and I’d like to know (i) has
there been any progress on the FR, (ii) if not, is it likely to be
implemented some time soon? (iii) Can I add my voice to the need
for this FR. Ideally for me, ‘Assign DOIs’ would generate DOI suffixes
of (Cap) Alphanumeric characters of user-set length (or 8 chars if
that’s not easy) for all articles that do not have DOIs already
Thanks for any help
Hi @elhay,
I think this might be the feature request you’re referring to here: DOI module template ?
PKP Team
Sorry if I didn’t make myself clear but I can’t see what the ‘DOI module template’ link has to do with my question. I am asking about pseudo-random alphanumeric character strings for the DOIs suffixes for all the submissions which don’t have DOIs. The ‘Assign DOIs’ button I’m referring to is as shown here
from the DOI publication identifier plugin. I don’t want to use any patterns.
Hi, this is available with version 3.4.
Aha! Thanks very much. Much obliged.
Just had a look at the new features list in OJS 3.4 and I don’t see it listed. Is it certain that it’s there?
Hi @elhay,
You may want to see the video here: https://youtu.be/ZDh_5SND_UI?si=sEFsBN7gIWv2OHmV (specifically around 4:42). It contains a little overview. OJS 3.4 consisted of some extensive DOI refactoring, but this issue is noted specifically here as part of the 3.4 release: Update DOI suffix generator based on ISO standard best practices · Issue #7933 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
PKP Team
Great stuff! Thanks very much. I have a bunch to do and the auto feature will save me a lot of work. Thanks for taking the time.
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