OJS 3.x : Is there a reason why the article viewer plugins PDF.js and HTML Article Galley (and the Alternative HTML Article Galley by @ajnyga ) have been designed to have no journal header (logo/menu) and footer?
We have received objections by a Web design office that this way the user loses visual context because page layout changes too much.
It’s not that simple with the standard PDF.js / HTML Article Galley plugins because they use an iframe, which brings several problems with it (scaling, applying CSS).
Yes, thought of this option, too. Since I’m not yet proficient with settings in plugins, I would need your help.
I’ve also done the same for the standard HTML Galley plugin using the iframe. Still, I think it’s ugly from a usability point of view (scrolling within scrolling), and in my opinion, iframes should be avoided whenever possible. There are many good arguments against using iframes on the Web.
There are some local changes in templates/display.tpl which should be moved out and instead there should be settings page for these things. I would be glad for help on that. See also README.md
Also I have created an embedPdfJsViewer that embeds the pdf.js viewer without iframe and displays a journal header/footer. I’m still working to restore the print functionality - the pdf.js code by Mozilla is very encapsulated and difficult to understand.