Hi guys, unfortunately I’m back …
I just move my installation of OJS ( to a new version of server operating system.
For safety reasons, this new version does not allow to open files located outside the site root.
My problem: the downloadable files are just located in a folder off the root.
Now, the files do not open, without message error. Wheb click in “pdf” on a summary ->result a article page with a blank window for pdf view; click in “download this pdf file” → result a blank page.
I have moved this folder into the root and changed the address of “files_dir” in config_inc. (the initial value was “/periodicos.proped.pro.br/arquivos”; I put “/periodicos.proped.pro.br/www/arquivos”). It did not work.
In time, the database and the files were transferred without problem.
The link to open a file seems ok, it does not produce any error message, even in phperror.log. Just do not open the file.
Ex .: “http://www.periodicos.proped.pro.br/index.php/revistateias/article/view/1705/1345”
The article_id and galley_id confer to the database.
Help me please …
Regards, Carlos
OS platform Linux
PHP version 5.5.22
Apache version Not available
Database driver mysql
Database server version 5.5.43-MariaDB-log
Hi @CFreire,
I don’t understand why your hosting provider doesn’t allow access from outside the public server folder, but from the OJS perspective what you’re trying to accomplish (moving all the files to the public folder) is not a solution. If you do that, all your files will be available publicly, even the ones you didn’t published.
The correct solution is to talk with your hosting service provider and tell them what you need, a non public folder to your files so the system can make sure that it can decide who is going to access them. If they can’t provide you with that, then I would highly recommend you to move to another hosting service provider that can. This is not an uncommon request, so I think you will not have trouble to find this, specially in Brazil.
Hi Bruno:
Almost immediately after creating this topic, I thought better and did
exactly what you suggest in your answer.
I swear!:o)
Really, it would not be a good idea to expose all the submitted files …
Anyway, thanks a lot! I added his response to my call on the server.
Hi, Bruno:
The server support informed me that everything is okay - now - with the out root read/execute permission.
And it might be something in the way of the files entered in the code.
I doubted, but … It is possible?
The link seems ok for me, the files are all there and, very importantly, there is no any error message (I activated the debug’s in config.inc).
I asked to support a complete list of server php directives. Some of them could be causing this error?
Anyway, follow the link: http://www.periodicos.proped.pro.br
Hi @CFreire,
with the out root read/execute permission
What does that mean?
Also, can you paste here your files_dir config.inc.php setting?
Hi Bruno,
Sorry about my Google english…
I mean that now my hosting provider allows access from outside the public server folder.
files_dir = “/periodicos.proped.pro.br/arquivos”
Files and folders were transferred by the server itself, keeping the parameters, including this one.
Work fine on the old server.
Hi Bruno,
Sorry about my Google english…
I mean that now my hosting provider allows access from outside the
public server folder.
files_dir = “/periodicos.proped.pro.br/arquivos”
Files and folders were transferred by the server itself, keeping the
parameters, including this one.
Work fine on the old server.
Did your hosting support know about this path? I mean, they have to create the folder in the exact path that’s described in the setting, otherwise OJS will not find it.
Also double check if you have display_errors = On in your config.inc.php file. I know you said you enabled the debug settings, but just to make sure.
Bingo! The hosting suport fixed the link:
“/vhosts/periodicos.proped.pro.br/arquivos” or just “…/arquivos”.
The physical path of the path has changed on the new server: it was “virtual/periodicos…" and turned “vhosts/periodicos…”. It made all the difference.
Thanks again, Bruno.
Cheers, Carlos