Article shows another article's content

I have an article with ID 79, if I check the content of the article as an editor I see the real content associated to the article. But when I access article name on the table of contents of the issue in which is published, the url actually displays the id (79) but it is showing me the content of another article (with id 3742):

And as an editor I see the following:


Hi @jose.galeano,

Are you using numeric custom IDs? If so, that can cause problems. I’d suggest using something to distinguish your custom IDs from OJS’s built-in IDs, i.e. use “a1234” rather than “1234” when entering a custom ID.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi! No I haven’t, it is really strange because it is the only article that has this issue.

Hi @jose.galeano,

Have you turned on Memcache caching in or similar? If so, try disabling it.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I turned it on then off then on again and it works now. Thanks!

Hi @jose.galeano,

I would recommend leaving it disabled – that code hasn’t been tested or maintained much for years, and I suspect your system will perform just fine without it.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team