Dear colleague,
is there (in OJS) search box based on ID number?
If i search some article i can search by title of MS and author.
I would like to search by ID number too if it is possible.
It will be this function in OJS?
Hello Lukas,
I find the searching within OJS a bit clunky… especially through ID, which works only if you are in the archive. I am sure I have not completely mastered this part of the system though so I will be happy to see any replies you receive!
Hi @Lukas_Hleba @lsteele,
I am ussing OJS 3.1.2-4 and I can search by ID, not just in Achive. I can do it in all stages of Submissions (My Queue, Unassigned, All Active, Archives)
Hi @lsteele
It’s not that it only works in the Archive, searching by ID works in any of the dashboard tabs, but the submission you’re looking for needs to be in the category you’re searching in. So, for submissions that are actively being worked on, they would be found in the “All Active” tab, for example. If a submission has been published and “done with”, so to speak, it’s now in the Archive, and would be found there.
Thank @jnugent, sometimes you don’t know the status of a submission and you would like to be able to find it in all stages. Additionally, ID is great, but you lose visibility once you actually open the submission. Maybe adding ID visibility in more positions would be useful.
Dear colleague,
i am using version, i think that this version not content this function or yes?