How can I correct this information
An indexing error occurred while updating the article index.
The error message generated by the web service (if any): “Unfortunately the
OJS search service is currently offline.”
This email was generated by Open Journal Systems’ Lucene search plugin.
Hi @sciplatform,
Are you running the SOLR/Lucene service on your server?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
An error occurred while someone tried to search the installation “Open
Journal Systems”.
The error message generated by the web service (if any): “Unfortunately the
OJS search service is currently offline.”
This email was generated by Open Journal Systems’ Lucene search plugin.
Hi @sciplatform,
Are you running the SOLR/Lucene service on your server?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am not running the SOLR/LUCENCE service on my server. I have just installed the OJS on saftacouls
Hi @sciplatform,
I suspect you’ve enabled the Lucene plugin in OJS; that won’t work unless you also set up the Solr/Lucene service to support it. Disable the Lucene plugin again.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have not find any option to disable it
Lucene Search Plugin
The Lucene plugin provides multi-language support, improved search result relevance, faster indexing, better scalability and more.
Hi @sciplatform,
Try logging in with your Site Administrator account.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Done. Thank you very much