I am just wondering if it would be possible to publish articles in OJS3 without necessarily assigning them into volumes and issues, but as article-based publishing model in which articles are published progressively online as soon as they are accepted and not having to wait for specific volumes and issues to appear.
As user I can tell that article can be added in the Issue after it is publish. There is not need to wait for the new issue. We are planning to use this model - publish issue and then add articles to it.
Think, creating “online first” requires some modifications in php files.
Were you able to use the “online first” type of setup? We are exploring the same. We were wondering if we can create an issue and call it Forthcoming Issue and keep on adding accepted articles to it (at this point we just assign DOI and no page numbers). When the entire issue is ready we rename it to the correct issue name and add all articles with page numbers.
Does this sound like a doable workaround around the current workflow of OJS?
Hi, I wonder if this plugin or any other solution works in current OJS releases (3.1.2) in order to publish articles “online first”?
What is the status of the Forthcoming plugin, i.e. does it work without major issues?