Article appears repeted with the same ID

I am working on OJS I have several articles that are in a review process that appear repeted on the list, one example is the following:

Does anyone have an idea of why this could happen?

Hi @jose.galeano,

What version of OJS is this? (Please include this in your posts.)

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi, I have included the version on the question. OJS

Hi @jose.galeano,

The likeliest cause of this is a data error, probably some database rows that OJS doesn’t expect to be there. Unfortunately there are a lot of joins so it’s difficult to speculate about what is causing this from here. If you’re handy with SQL, the query in question is in classes/submission/editor/ in the _getUnfilteredEditorSubmissions function; I’d suggest capturing the exact query e.g. using a database query log (outside of OJS) or the debug option in and exploring why there are duplicate rows served.

If I were to take a guess, I’d think you might have several authors designated with primary_contact=1 for this article in the authors table. There can be only one.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team