Armenian Translation

Hi @amirzoyan,

Here’s a message I sent by email – maybe it got spam-trapped?

All of our translations are contributed by volunteers; you can register for an account on the translation service (, find an untranslated component, and begin translating or correcting an existing translation. Make sure to agree to the Contributor License Agreement on a component before you’ll be able to work on it – unfortunately the Weblate software we use for translations doesn’t allow this to be signed once for the entire system, so it has to be done for each component you want to work on.

The translations you work on now will be released with OJS 3.4.0, which is planned for the second quarter of this year, but if you want to use the translations with an earlier release (e.g. 3.3.0) it’s possible to download the translations from Weblate and apply them to your installation of OJS. There are some instructions here:

Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team