I installed OJS 3.2.0, and on the homepage, there is no sidebar, I tried to fix it, On Setting>website>appearacne>theme>setup slider, but it doesn’t work, when I tried to mark, the page just doest move or crush, doest move, tried much time but failed, how to fix it?
Same issue with me, Please inform me when you got any solution.
Sure, and I can not find the <> to justify abstract …Anyway I will get back to you, If i found a way to fix it.
Hi all,
See Cannot Display Sidebar in ojs · Issue #5571 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub. We’ll be releasing a new build shortly that will include the fix.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Facing the same the issue.
The link you provided to the issue is not active anymore, does that mean it is resolved?
Hi @faheem.yar,
I’ve fixed the link; please try again.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi all ,
I did not understand the explanation in the previous link … So I hope anyone understood the explanation and solved the problem, give us a simple explanation, for example, a change in code in a specific file or something like that.
I used the version of OJS 3.2 and I faced the same problem of not showing the sidebar because you really cannot choose any of the block because it freezes the page.
Also some plugins do not appear such as keywords Cloud.
Partially, a side column and an optional block can appear by using the browser Explorer … but the problem remains with plugins and the inability to arrange blocks.
Finally … Does the new version support Crossmark? because according to what we reported from Crossref that OJS does not support Crossmark yet.