September 23, 2016, 5:14am
Hello, I have done clean upgrade with very high values in php.ini for max execution time and memory. and as far as I check that apapche error log there are not specil errors except warnings. IPlease check pastebin and confirm
It looks like your log is primarily reporting the unserialize()
warning as described here:
Hi @julietavuan ,
That should work just fine – however, if you’re receiving unserialize warnings in your database, then it means that some of your data was stored there by a version of PHP that was probably considerably older and somewhat incompatible. After the upgrade, review your journal settings to ensure everything is as expected and re-save the forms; this should cause the warnings to go away.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
It also identifies a typo in
$site->updateSetting('showThumbnail', $this->getData('showThumbnail'), bool);
$site->updateSetting('showTitle', $this->getData('showTitle'), bool);
$site->updateSetting('showDescription', $this->getData('showDescription'), bool);
which has since been corrected .
September 23, 2016, 8:43pm
Well, I guess that upgrade was successful since apache error log does not contain any special error messages. Right?