Whenever I write an announcement, its text appears in a different style after announced on the website. The text appears as one paragraph even though I write, organize, and justify it in more than one paragraph during editing.
Is this issue solvable?
OJS 3.x
Thanks for your question! Are you able to provide screenshots of the announcement page as well as the textbox where you were entering the information?
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project
Dear @pmangahis,
Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, I am not able to provide a screenshot of the announcement page right now cause the announcement expired. However, I can provide a screenshot of the textbox where I enter the information.
In case you wonder how the announcement looks like on the main page, I can tell you that it appears like a plain text. No paragraphs separating, bold fonts, underlined fonts, or anything else can be seen. Only a plain text.
Thank you for providing the additional details. Are you able to provide the exact version of your OJS 3 installation? I did a quick test on OJS 3.1.2-4 and was unable to replicate the issue you’re having.
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project
Dear @pmangahis,
I am using OJS
I have the same problem with ojs-3.1.2-1
Any idea?
I solve the problem
In my case the problem is with config.inc.php your allowed_html is old. I change for this
allowed_html = “a[href|target|title],em,strong,cite,code,ul,ol,li[class],dl,dt,dd,b,i,u,img[src|alt],sup,sub,br,p”
And the annoouncement work