Hi all,
It sounds silly, but I have problems displaying a cover page of an issue. I have issued an issue and defined a cover page for it:
I believe there is no problems with the permissions as I can download the image if I click on the image name on the above picture.
Further on I have defined to display the cover page on the journal homepage:
But there is no cove page on the journal home page
What is interesting is that:
- there is no cover image on the home page
- there is cover image under archives
Can you please suggest what I am doing wrong?
Regards, Primož
Hi @primozs,
What version of OJS are you using?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec,
this time I have OJS version
Regards, Primož
Hi @primozs,
If you go to the issue via the Archives link, do you see the same behavior?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec,
Yes it is the same. Only a table of contents without the cover page.
Regards, Primož
Hi @primozs,
Hmm, I’m having trouble tracking down why this would happen. Are there any modifications to that installation?
If you’re able to track it down through PHP, here’s the code that should be determining whether you should see a cover page or a table of contents:
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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Hi Alec,
Thank you for help. That is exactly the issue. I have no access ot the installation, but have verified that the file is changed.
Best regards, Primož