Relevant for publishers who upload article metadata to DOAJ
On 28th September, we closed a loophole at DOAJ that allowed incorrect ISSNs to be sent in article metadata. The change applies to metadata sent to us via our XML upload function and our API (and therefore the DOAJ plugin in your site), and for those publishers who enter article metadata manually at the DOAJ website.
We added two extra checks:
- the ISSNs provided to us must match exactly those ISSNs that we store in the journal record.
- the right type of ISSN must appear in the appropriate tag or field. That is to say, Print ISSNs and Electronic ISSNs must be sent in the correct field. We have an example XML file on our site that illustrates the difference between the XML tags.
We have been contacted by a few OJS-hosted journals lately because XML uploads have suddenly stopped working. In each case, this is because an Electronic ISSN has been supplied in the Print ISSN field. Please check your ISSNs.
If you have any questions or require further help, leave a comment here, or email