Hi, I am using OJS 3.1.2 version.
I am wondering if is it possible to give assistant users with roles like proofreader or translator to access all articles (or all articles in a given volume or number) in production stage so then can be able to correct metadata errors like ones in tittle or summary sections.
Right now the only option I have found is to enter each submission, one by one, go to archives, view submission, go to production stage and assign the desired participant with one of those roles.
I don’t want to to extend permissions so the assistants can delete submissions, or modify other sensitive administrator settings.
You can change the stages of production that users have access to in the roles settings. Please see our documentation here: Chapter 10: Users and Roles
Thanks @rcgillis. Here you can see two snapshots of some user roles and the stage permissions, for examen, for the proofreader role:
Right now, eventhough I change the permissions for all stages, this user only can see in his ojs dashboard the articles that other editor or admininstrator assigns as a participant. Cant access by default any submission, even in production stage.
Your settings indicate that you haven’t selected all stages of production for the proofreader role. Have you done that yet? If it’s not possible, what error do you see? When a proofreader goes to edit the information you specified (e.g. title or abstract), what happens if you have this access enabled?
Yes, you are right, in the previous screenshot it is only selected the last stage but even If I select all four (see below) the situation is the same. In reality there is no error in the platform, just a functionality I cant find…
The thing is that, say our journal has published for example 100 articles, and I want our proofreader user (with limited role permissions but who can even access all stages, screenshot 1 and 2) be able to access all 100 articles, the only way I find right now is to assign him/her as a proofreader participant for every article, one by one (see screenshot 3), in order he can see them all at his dashboard (at screenshot 4, I just assigned one). Otherwise his dashboard is empty.
By the way these, and I don’t know if it matters here, usually our articles are uploaded to OJS directly using the QuickSubmit plugin.
Thank you for clarifying that you use QuickSubmit - that makes a big difference in this scenario. It explains why you are not able to access the material from other parts of the production workflow (review, proofreading, etc.) - because for submissions done via QuickSubmit, this bypasses all of these stages and just adds the galley files and metadata - so you won’t even see any info for the other stages for the submissions. So, you wouldn’t be able to revert back to other stages - all that would be useable would be the Production stage. You may want to consider just adding this person as an Editor rather than a proofread, since, as an Editor would have the ability to edit/update metadata, download/upload galleys, etc. - all of the necessary steps that you can take to get it ready to be published.