All the issues failed to appear online after uprading from OJS to

I upgraded on OJS to
After successfully upgraded, the OJS fails to show all the issues/articles online.
When I log into the admin, the browser shows blank; when I post a doi/link of an issue/article in a browser, it also shows a blank page.
It seems like everything of the OJS shuts down.
The backup file did not work.

we have identified the following issues:

[12-Dec-2023 03:52:46 America/New_York] Exception: Plugin twitterBlock expected to inherit from TwitterBlockPlugin, actual type NULL in /home/phamho/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/phamho/ PKP\plugins\PluginRegistry::_instantiatePlugin('blocks', 'twitterBlock', 'TwitterBlockPlu...')
#1 /home/phamho/ PKP\plugins\PluginRegistry::_loadFromDatabase('blocks', NULL)
#2 /home/phamho/ PKP\plugins\PluginRegistry::loadCategory('blocks', true)
#3 [internal function]: PKP\template\PKPTemplateManager->displaySidebar('Templates::Comm...', Array)
#4 /home/phamho/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#5 /home/phamho/ PKP\plugins\Hook::run('Templates::Comm...', Array)
#6 /home/phamho/ PKP\plugins\Hook::call('Templates::Comm...', Array)
#7 /home/phamho/^ PKP\template\PKPTemplateManager->smartyCallHook(Array, Object(Smarty_Internal_Template))
#8 /home/phamho/ content_65781f5e042c00_20398271(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template))
#9 /home/phamho/ Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template))
#10 /home/phamho/ Smarty_Template_Compiled->render(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template))
#11 /home/phamho/ Smarty_Internal_Template->render()
#12 /home/phamho/^ Smarty_Internal_Template->_subTemplateRender('app:frontend/co...', NULL, 'ef41840365eca71...', 0, 3600, Array, 0, false)
#13 /home/phamho/ content_65781f5de16d89_82132619(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template))
#14 /home/phamho/ Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template))
#15 /home/phamho/ Smarty_Template_Compiled->render(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template))
#16 /home/phamho/ Smarty_Internal_Template->render(false, 1)
#17 /home/phamho/ Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template), NULL, 'ef41840365eca71...', NULL, 1)
#18 /home/phamho/ Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->display('frontend/pages/...', NULL, 'ef41840365eca71...', NULL)
#19 /home/phamho/ PKP\template\PKPTemplateManager->display('frontend/pages/...')
#20 [internal function]: APP\pages\issue\IssueHandler->archive(Array, Object(APP\core\Request))
#21 /home/phamho/ call_user_func(Array, Array, Object(APP\core\Request))
#22 /home/phamho/ PKP\core\PKPRouter->_authorizeInitializeAndCallRequest(Array, Object(APP\core\Request), Array, false)
#23 /home/phamho/ PKP\core\PKPPageRouter->route(Object(APP\core\Request))
#24 /home/phamho/ PKP\core\Dispatcher->dispatch(Object(APP\core\Request))
#25 /home/phamho/ PKP\core\PKPApplication->execute()
#26 {main}

Please help me to show the problems?
Thank you very much
Best regards!

Steps I took leading up to the issue
For example:

  1. Go to ‘…’
  2. Click on ‘…’
  3. Scroll down to ‘…’
  4. See error

What application are you using?
For example, OJS 3.3.0-4

Additional information
Please add any screenshots, logs or other information we can use to investigate this problem.

Hi @phamvuphiho ,

Check if Twitter plugin folder is available on ojs_root/plugins/generic/ directory and try to rename it.

Sometimes a plugin has some incompatibilities with the new enviroment/system and crash everything.

I got into ojs_root/plugins/generic/ but I did not see the Twitter plugin folder.
Are there any other possible issues?

Check on plugins/blocks, please

I checked the plugins/blocks
it is not there.

Hi @phamvuphiho !

Did you solve the issue? If you have not the plugin installet, try to install/upgrade through plugin gallery.

In case you haven’t found a solution. I think it’s the same as Issue with Missing Plugins after Upgrading to OJS 3.4 - could you try this solution?

It is still not fixed.
But the issue is that I cannot login to the Dashboard, and all the issues and articles are not online.
Though I upgraded completely, but when I look at the page source, it is still with version.
I am not sure how to due with it.

The issue is that I cannot login the Dashboard, so I cannot disable those missing publgins.

Dear Geniusdesign
After looking at the page source, I found the version is still in, then wanted to upgrade it again, I found this issue

  • A database error has occurred: There are unprocessed log files from more than 1 day ago in the directory /home/phamho/ijte/usageStats/usageEventLogs/. This happens when the scheduled task to process usage stats logs is not being run daily. All logs in this directory older than 20231218 must be processed or removed before the upgrade can continue.
    Do you have any idea how to fix it?
    Thank you

Hi @phamvuphiho !

Your upgrade probably had issues and you have to upgrade again. Remember always to do a backup before upgrade.

It seems to be a pre-flight message before upgrade start. You must remove log files from /home/phamho/ijte/usageStats/usageEventLogs/ before proceed with upgrade. Some other log files also may be removed after you try again.

Are you trying to upgrade from browser? If possible, try to upgrade from ssh terminal. System log messages are better to debug.

Don’t forget to do a backup and good luck!

Dear Geniusdesign,
When I remove the files from /home/phamho/ijte/usageStats/usageEventLogs/ , the
Errors occurred during installation: But I don’t know where these logs located. Do you have any ideas?

  • A database error has occurred: A row with “author_id”=“633” and “setting_name”=“affiliation” found in table “author_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “author_id”=“633” and “setting_name”=“familyName” found in table “author_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “author_id”=“633” and “setting_name”=“givenName” found in table “author_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “author_id”=“634” and “setting_name”=“affiliation” found in table “author_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “author_id”=“634” and “setting_name”=“familyName” found in table “author_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “author_id”=“634” and “setting_name”=“givenName” found in table “author_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “author_id”=“635” and “setting_name”=“affiliation” found in table “author_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “author_id”=“635” and “setting_name”=“familyName” found in table “author_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “author_id”=“635” and “setting_name”=“givenName” found in table “author_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “author_id”=“636” and “setting_name”=“affiliation” found in table “author_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “author_id”=“636” and “setting_name”=“familyName” found in table “author_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “author_id”=“636” and “setting_name”=“givenName” found in table “author_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “author_id”=“637” and “setting_name”=“affiliation” found in table “author_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “author_id”=“637” and “setting_name”=“familyName” found in table “author_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “author_id”=“637” and “setting_name”=“givenName” found in table “author_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “navigation_menu_item_id”=“16” and “setting_name”=“content” found in table “navigation_menu_item_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “navigation_menu_item_id”=“16” and “setting_name”=“remoteUrl” found in table “navigation_menu_item_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “navigation_menu_item_id”=“16” and “setting_name”=“content” found in table “navigation_menu_item_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “uk” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “navigation_menu_item_id”=“16” and “setting_name”=“remoteUrl” found in table “navigation_menu_item_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “uk” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “user_id”=“431” and “setting_name”=“affiliation” found in table “user_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “user_id”=“431” and “setting_name”=“familyName” found in table “user_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading. A row with “user_id”=“431” and “setting_name”=“givenName” found in table “user_settings” which will conflict with other rows specific to the locale key “en” after the migration. Please review this row before upgrading.

What should I do next? (i backed up already)
Thank you
Best regards!

Man… I don’t know if I can help you now… it is needed to check your database, on tables where the data is mentioned on log, but I really don’t have an answer to help you now :confused: sorry

I would check those rows and the locale column from it to try to identify a data pattern and verify if log data has something different.

Hi @phamvuphiho,

It looks like you have entries in the user_settings and author_settings table with both locale='en' and locale='en_US'. The 3.3.x to 3.4.x upgrade attempts to rename the en_US locale to en, and doesn’t expect content with locale='en' to already be in the database. Did this come from a failed previous upgrade?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team