I’m updating a magazine that was at version 2.4.8-2, the target would be to reach version 3.2.1-1, I first updated to version 3.0.2-0, apparently everything is OK. When I try to upgrade to 3.2.X (tried 3.2.0, 3.2.1-1 and 3.2.1-3) in all these versions the same thing happens, the upgrade is completed successfully, apparently everything is fine in the public area , but in the administrative area it does not show some forms.
For example:
Settings > Magazine > Editorial Team
Settings > Website > Appearance > Configure
These are some examples, but other forms are exhibiting the same behavior. Others are working correctly.
In the browser console I get the following error:
build.js?v= TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of null
at o.Ye (build.js?v=
at o.e._render (build.js?v=
at o.i (build.js?v=
at ri.get (build.js?v=
at new ri (build.js?v=
at In (build.js?v=
at o.wi.$mount (build.js?v=
at o.wi.$mount (build.js?v=
at init (build.js?v=
at h (build.js?v=
If anyone can give me a suggestion. I tried to put it in debug mode but I didn’t find any error that could justify this behavior, basically messages like “notice”.