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I encounter a problem for logging in my Site administrator after I upgrading our OJS 2.4.5 to OJS 2.4.8. After Upgrading the new version in few hours I successfully login the Site Admin without changing the Password, But when trying logging in the other day the Site Admin User and Password is invalid, so I check a database in MySQL the user and Password it’s not change.
I follow this instruction but it did not solve the problem.
All link above I read carefully and Understand, but suddenly all this instruction wasn’t effect on my upgrading. I retry to reset a password to OJS but I did not receive and email.
I encounter this before in the old forum but right now , I am shock for the result of my upgrading.
I have a query if it possible that the problem is came from the Share Hosting ? I am using GoDaddy Hosting.
I decided to reinstall the OJS 2.4.8 using editing the to off the installation and create another user admin and configure the my SQL database. as of the moment our OJS doing good.