After installation issues

Hi all,
I just installed OJS 3.4. After finishing the installation, I was asked to login, but after login I was moved to my profile page and there is no administrator function to create my first journal!!

When I am trying to go to the home page, I always get redirected to this page: but also this page is down!!

Hi @khalifa,

For the HTTP 500 errors it is best to check your PHP error logs - are you able to do that and report back on what errors you’re seeing? Also: what specific version of OJS 3.4 are you using (e.g. 3.4.-0-3)?

PKP Team

Hi @rcgillis
Thank you for reply. The 500 error is solved by some updates on the server settings. The big problem that after login I had no admin functions to create a new journal.

I installed OJS 3.4.0-4 and 3.3.0-16 on two different subdomains on the same server, and I got the same result.