After enabling ORCID in the Toggle required metadata plugin, I cannot edit the contributors

Describe the issue or problem

After enabling ORCID in the Toggle required metadata plugin, I cannot edit the contributors.

No error was found in the error log file.

What application are you using?

Additional information


Disappointed, I have not received any response from the community.

Hi @Rohaan123,

Please note that the PKP Community Forum is provided for free by PKP staff and community members. We are a small team and need to balance our time spent answering questions here on the Forum with our other work developing and maintaining our free and open source software and other services. We do not guarantee that every question will be answered or that every issue is resolved.

PKP Team

Thanks for realizing that the service is free. I hope that the staff is also working voluntarily on this milestone and has been busy in the last 30 days. I really appreciate it. However, the voluntary developers may know why it’s happened. thanks

Hi @Rohaan123,

Two things to check:

  • What version of the ORCID plugin do you have installed? How did you install it (via the Plugin Gallery, by uploading the .tar.gz into OJS, or by some other means)?
  • Does your PHP error log show any errors from the time that you tried to edit a contributor?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

hi @asmecher

I want to clarify that I am currently using the OpenID Authentication Plugin, not the ORCID Plugin. Although the ORCID plugin is installed, it is not active. I have noticed that when the ORCID Plugin is active, the option of ORCID in Toggle required metadata becomes unusable.

I tried the updated version of Toggle Required Metadata and deactivated other plugins such as ORCID and OpenID Authentication Plugin. but the issue is still the same.

2ndly I have checked the PHP error log, it’s not showing any error.

It is important to note that I have experienced this issue with all 4 OJS in my domain, despite it working fine before.

Other options in Toggle Required Metadata such as affiliation and biography is working fine. we have issued the ORCID.

After some time this error appeared on the screen

thanks n regards

Hi @Rohaan123,

Gotcha – I referenced the wrong plugin.

If you turn on your browser’s web developer tools and inspect the response your server gives when you try to edit the contributor. For example, is there a 500 error code?

If that doesn’t get you anywhere, I would suggest contacting the author of that plugin, which is an organization called Lepidus; they are active on this forum, and the plugin’s information is online here:

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

hi @asmecher

Yeah, it shows like this

Hi @Rohaan123,

The 500 error code should definitely result in something more specific getting logged in your web server or PHP error log. I’d suggest checking there.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

here is the error log

[16-Apr-2024 18:50:24 UTC] PHP Warning: assert(): assert(is_a($plugin, $classToCheck ?: ‘Plugin’)) failed in /home/aimsacademics/ on line 242
[16-Apr-2024 18:50:35 UTC] PHP Warning: assert(): assert(is_a($plugin, $classToCheck ?: ‘Plugin’)) failed in /home/aimsacademics/ on line 242
[16-Apr-2024 18:50:37 UTC] PHP Warning: assert(): assert(is_a($plugin, $classToCheck ?: ‘Plugin’)) failed in /home/aimsacademics/ on line 242
[16-Apr-2024 18:50:39 UTC] PHP Warning: assert(): assert(is_a($plugin, $classToCheck ?: ‘Plugin’)) failed in /home/aimsacademics/ on line 242
[16-Apr-2024 18:50:39 UTC] ojs2: 404 Not Found
[16-Apr-2024 18:51:04 UTC] PHP Warning: assert(): assert(is_a($plugin, $classToCheck ?: ‘Plugin’)) failed in /home/aimsacademics/ on line 242
[16-Apr-2024 18:51:04 UTC] ojs2: 404 Not Found
[16-Apr-2024 18:51:05 UTC] PHP Warning: assert(): assert(is_a($plugin, $classToCheck ?: ‘Plugin’)) failed in /home/aimsacademics/ on line 242
[16-Apr-2024 18:51:05 UTC] ojs2: 404 Not Found
[16-Apr-2024 18:51:14 UTC] PHP Warning: assert(): assert(is_a($plugin, $classToCheck ?: ‘Plugin’)) failed in /home/aimsacademics/ on line 242
[16-Apr-2024 18:51:17 UTC] PHP Warning: assert(): assert(is_a($plugin, $classToCheck ?: ‘Plugin’)) failed in /home/aimsacademics/ on line 242
[16-Apr-2024 18:51:22 UTC] PHP Warning: assert(): assert(is_a($plugin, $classToCheck ?: ‘Plugin’)) failed in /home/aimsacademics/ on line 242
[16-Apr-2024 18:51:23 UTC] PHP Warning: assert(): assert(is_a($plugin, $classToCheck ?: ‘Plugin’)) failed in /home/aimsacademics/ on line 242
[16-Apr-2024 18:51:25 UTC] PHP Warning: assert(): assert(is_a($plugin, $classToCheck ?: ‘Plugin’)) failed in /home/aimsacademics/ on line 242
[16-Apr-2024 18:51:25 UTC] PHP Warning: assert(): assert(is_a($plugin, $classToCheck ?: ‘Plugin’)) failed in /home/aimsacademics/ on line 242

Hi @Rohaan123,

Those are only warnings; you’re looking for something that contains the word Error.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

No have not found any word Error there.

I have found some more errors

16-Apr-2024 19:02:55 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1066 Not unique table/alias: ‘issue_p’ in /home/aimsacademics/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/aimsacademics/ PDO->prepare(‘select s.*, `…’, Array)
#1 /home/aimsacademics/ Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOConnection->prepare(Object(Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression))
#2 /home/aimsacademics/ Illuminate\Database\Connection->Illuminate\Database{closure}(Object(Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression), Array)
#3 /home/aimsacademics/ Illuminate\Database\Connection->runQueryCallback(Object(Illuminate\Database\Query\Expressi in /home/aimsacademics/ on line 671

Hi @Rohaan123,

I’m not convinced that’s the right message. Try triggering the problem to occur, then checking to see if there’s a new error message in the log. Also, please include the full message – that just appears to be the first 3 entries in the stack trace.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher

unfortunately, i have not found it. you can access the error log file below

error log file.