Ads display on my journal like spam

i find ads display on my journal i dont add it
my site



After checking your journal view source your journal suffer from hack activity (gambling site).

You should reinstall, review all the registered user and upgrade your ojs to the latest version and ask the Google to recrawl your site using Google search console tool before it gets blacklisted by google and GS.


how ,mke it with out lose my articels and data

Hello Bounama

This is in detail required activity to fix the hacked site in your OJS :

  1. Find and check whether there is a new administrator role in your OJS, you can check in your phpmyadmin tool in your cpanel or in your OJS user management. After that find (or scan) any malicious file in the files dir (may have shell backdoor) and public directory. Any file that have extension with sh, php, py, phtml and other file that can be executed.

  2. Change your the password of these roles administrator and journal manager with more secure generated password pattern

  3. Backup your OJS (before going to the next step)

  4. Download the new OJS file (based on your current OJS version) and replace all the file of your OJS except these directories files, public. Make sure do this in your public_html directory where your domain pointed to.

  5. Upgrade your OJS to the 3.3 latest or 3.4 latest, use this official docs from PKP

  6. Remove all the link submitted by the hacker in your Google Search console (this will prevent your journal blacklisted by GS).
    This link cover on how to do that :

OPTIONAL (recommended)
