I have problem with remove and merge user. I just think login with administrator login but isn’t.
example like this
Hi @Veliyana_L.A,
When you log in with your administrator account, does an “Administration” link show up on the left sidebar? If not, your account probably isn’t an administrator.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
yes. there is “administration” link in my login
I just realize i log in with my another account and there is “Administration” link
I just realize i log in with my another account and there is “Administration” link, but the 1st account i can edit all administration and managing multiple journal but i can’t remove or deleting 2nd account and 2nd account i just managing site administration like site-setting, language-setting and cannot managing multiple journal.
Hi @Veliyana_L.A,
It sounds like your 1st account is an administrator account, and your 2nd account is a Journal Manager account. Journal Manager accounts can administer users only if they manage all journals the user is active in; administrators should be able to administer all users.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team