Hi @kawahyu
I would like to aks you if you could explain me how did you got your “Journal Information” bar modified (Vol. 3 No. 2 (2010): Beta Nopember | Beta: Jurnal Tadris Matematika). I realy would love to offer some more information like you (Publication Ethics, Plagiarism Check etc…) Can you help me? My page is http://aquaticresources.info
Thank you in advance for your answer.
I have replied your email
I am also want to know 
@kawahyu, it is custom block plugin and static pages plugin?
I am planning to change a little bit of look of the right panel for our journal.
Hmm, is it possible to make the changes in the theme plugin files and not to modify OJS core? For example make a copy of block.tpl and place it in the specific folder inside theme plugin?
I am also interested in the code, that goes beyond the feasibility of tinymce plugin.
Hi @Vitaliy
Yes, it is just custom block plugin and static pages.
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