We know the ORCID identifiers of some of our journal’s authors, and are ready to begin adding those ORCIDs to the OJS metadata of articles that have already been published and registered with CrossRef. When we add the ORCIDs to OJS we want them to be sent to CrossRef to trigger auto-update requests for the authors’ ORCID records.
We are currently using OJS 2.4.8. Are we correct in thinking that if we add ORCIDs (or make other changes) to metadata in OJS those changes are not automatically registered with CrossRef? Do we have to keep track of the article IDs that we have changed and manually request that OJS send their revised metadata to CrossRef? If so, exactly how do we request that OJS send CrossRef revised metadata for an ID (or list of IDs) that has previously been registered with CrossRef?
We expect to be updating to OJS 3.0 in the spring of 2017. Does the above process happen automatically in OJS 3.0? In other words, does OJS 3.0 automatically send updates to CrossRef when metadata is added or revised for articles that have already been registered with CrossRef? If so, we would probably delay the large-scale adding of ORCIDs until we are using OJS 3.0.
Your are right: the metadata changes are not tracked and registered automatically by the Crossrefplugin i.e. the editors will have to keep track of changed articles and update/re-register them at Crossref. To update/re-register them you would use the same function as for the first registration i.e. you would do it in the same way i.e. either manually uploading the exported XML file at the Crossref portal or using the “Register” button in OJS. If the DOI is the same and metadata changed, the Crossref will assign the new metadata to the same DOI upon a new registration.
In OJS 3.0 this procedure is still the same i.e. no automatic track and update/re-registration of metadata changes.
Because I was adding ORCIDs using the Editor role I had not seen the Register button. Using the Journal Manager role I can go to the CrossRef Export/Registration Plugin, but when I click the “Export articles” link, after a long delay I get an HTTP 500 error. We have reported the problem to the people who maintain OJS at the University of Calgary and are waiting for them to fix it. Your suggestions about what might be wrong would be welcome.