We have a OJS Journal called IEEE Technology and Engineering Education (ITEE) which was previously hosted at IEEE Server, but currently due to migration we are taking it to http://itee-edsoccom.com.
I have tried a lot using GNU tool to apply patch and upgrade the old version which is in 2.2.0 to latest one than failed, while applying patches it says several errors and goes blank after applying patches i.e nothing comes on the url.
That’s why I have installed a fresh latest OJS on the new server and created the journal with same settings. Now I want to import old users, Issues, Articles from Old site (2.2.0) to new site.
I was trying to xml import plugins, but for large users Xml user plugin doesn’t work and also issues, article export doesn’t work.
Can you please let me know how I can import old site users and Journal Issues or articles easily to new site.
I’d suggest trying the “full package” upgrade method, also documented in docs/UPGRADE. If you do have modifications, you can use diff to extract them from your old installation then apply it to the new one. Review your diff file first so you know what kinds of modifications have accumulated, and if there are any conflicts during patch application, you’ll have to reconcile them first before trying the database upgrade script.
The import/export tools won’t capture all your data, so it’s best to work with the upgrade process rather than trying that.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
For database update changed Installed on to Off in the config file.
On browsing I found a Database setup form, I have submitted the form using a new database name, Should i select the old database here from local host?
Cause I found after this process the site is still the same as fresh install, so there might be a glitch. Could You Please help. If there is any problem understanding problem please PM Me.
I think you successfully upgraded the code, but didn’t upgrade the database. See the section in the document linked above titled “Upgrading the OJS database”.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I tried this,
""If you do not have the PHP CLI installed, you can also upgrade by running a
web-based script. To do so:
- Edit config.inc.php and change "installed = On" to "installed = Off"
- Open a web browser to your OJS site; you should be redirected to the
installation and upgrade page
- Select the "Upgrade" link and follow the on-screen instructions
- Re-edit config.inc.php and change "installed = Off" back to
"installed = On"
, Should I keep the Database Name here as OLD Database name here ?
I tried keeping the OLD Database name there deselecting create new Database,
but it shows following error .
"Errors occurred during installation:
A database error has occurred: Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key"
Can you please help me how Do I update Old MYSQL Database? Is there a script for this. I checked framework tables column names are not same in both versions, that’s why it showing the error. So, either I need to get done automated way from the installer or via a Script.
Besides many thanks for all your help and support.
It sounds like you’re doing what you should – but I’ve never heard of that error message happening during an upgrade before. Is this a clean copy of your OJS database before you first tried the upgrade, or is this what’s left after you attempted to install over top of it?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
HI Alec, Its the old database backup of 2.2.0 version, which I have taken to my localhost and I want all data’s of this Database upgraded too, that’s why I am selecting this database.
Hello Alec, I was finally able to update from Old, But besides keeping the files directory same and all the issues in the old edition, the papers are not showing in the Journal, however files directory is kept same and I can find all the pdf there of Old publications. Could you please give a hint how I can fix them.
When you say the papers are not showing, do you mean that when you try to download one you get a blank page, or are they not listing at all in the Archives, or something else?