Dublin Core plugin defines section in which article is published as article type. But it is not true in my case. Our journal is divided in several section according to covered medical disciplines. It is very convenient because we planning that our section editors would be restricted by their narrow specialties only. Is there a possibility to add another variable in the submission form code that will include the type of submitted article (research article, review, case example, letters to editor etc)? Than it could be easily added to DC metadata as appropriate.
I think not only our journal don`t use “section” field as strict “article types”.
Or another way - add “discipline” (or similar term) to submission form with possibility to associate editor with it.
On second thought, after some consultations I think for us will be better to use standard journal sections (letters, research articles…)
To structurize my proposal, it would be nice to::
Add “discipline” variable in submission form and in article field. Associate this field with particular (section?) editor. It`s not working now, so I created an issue on github.
Add “article type” field with displaying in metadata “DC.Type.articleType” or else (not DC) tag.
I like your suggestion to better support assignments of “sub editors” (section editors) not just by section, but potentially by discipline. Do you have a sense for how the two settings would interact – if e.g. one section editor is designated by section, and two more by discipline, would you expect three to be assigned?
Don`t know exactly how it would be better. Maybe the better option is if this roles would have parent-child relationship (all 3 to be assigned).
As for “DC.Type.articleType”, I already applied changes for metatags in page head. But this tag extracts information from section name. Is it always true that section name states correct article type? Dont think so. Think, maybe better add a field in submission form on editors side where he point out real type of article.