How to import a list of users through the ojs 3.1.2 by csv or xls to xml file.
How to import a list of users through the ojs 3.1.2 by csv or xls to xml file.
Please help me. Please help someone
I think there is no direct way to do that. You will need to convert it to the native XML somehow
You can import csv file directly in database table users with MySQL Workbench or similar application.
Is that some export from another ojs installation or something else?
Thanks. How can i do this. Please explain more. We want add user to ojs3.1.2
What are you exectly trying to do?
Are you trying to add users from another ojs installation or something else?
You can’t just add bunch of names in database, take a look in your database, tables users and user_settings
You can attach sample csv file so we can take a look…