I tried to add roles to users by going to Users and Roles-> Find User-> Edit User-> Add Role
But nothing happens.
How can I fix this?
I tried to add roles to users by going to Users and Roles-> Find User-> Edit User-> Add Role
But nothing happens.
How can I fix this?
Same problem here, I’m using OJS Add role button does nothing in the Edit user window, or when I create a new user and try to add roles in Step #2: Add User Roles to …
Hi all,
Have you checked your browser’s Javascript error console, or your PHP error log?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Oh yes, I can see the error in the console when trying to Add role to an existing user or to a new user:
GET$$$call$$$/listbuilder/users/user-user-group-listbuilder/fetch-row?userId=1412&modify=true&_=1521451052285 499 (Request has been forbidden by antivirus)
I have Kaspersky installed and managed by IT department, so I can’t turn it off. I’ll check the function on a different machine. I’ve seen some reports that Kaspersky is blocking certain types of AJAX requests, but I can’t tell why this one is being blocked.
I’m testing this OJS installation on a machine in a local network, perhaps this is important for the antivirus application.
Yes, the problem is the Kaspersky antivirus.
When testing the site on a machine without Kaspersky, the Add form showed up. I don’t know though, if the script would be blocked on a https connection? But I can’t try that out.
I’ll see if I can find something more on Kaspersky and blocking rules for Javascript.
Cheers, Ales
No errors on javascript consol
Taz, can you try a different browser or a different computer? What’s your OJS version?