Add Reviewer's country in add reviewer tab

Kindly support on how to modify add reviewer tab.
I want to modify the information under each reviewer from the list to include the reviewer country under each reviewer along with the number of Reviews completed.
I am currently using v3.3.0.4

Hi @Claire_copper

To add info to reviewers it will be required to adjust some backend files. I am not sure whether you are trying to adjust the user list or the reviewer modal (from the “assign reviewer” step). But most of reviewer files can be found via:

Israel Cefrin
PKP Team

Hello Israel,
Thank you for your reply.
I actually reached that place and I think that the part that corresponds to (listing reviewers with some details/filters them/assign them) is in this file

  • @file controllers/grid/users/reviewer/form/

but I cant seem the exact part that corresponds to the information displayed under each reviewer


The requirement that i am asking for is close to the image above.
it is like writing the university name and country under each reviewer.

I tried adding it and i am getting the following error.
[29-May-2021 22:51:48 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: Undefined property: PKP\components\listPanels\PKPSelectReviewerListPanel::$nationality in C:\xampp\htdocs\ojs-system\lib\pkp\classes\components\listPanels\ on line 46

please support