Is it possible to add affiliation field of the main author affiliation. So far when article is submitted the editor cannot see in Metadata or somewhere else the affiliation of the author and his address/country?
Hi @vebaev,
I presume you’re asking about OJS 3.0, correct? (Including this in your posts will help the knowledge base be helpful for other users.)
Is this something you’d like to appear on the published article page, or in HTML meta elements (e.g. DC or Google Scholar tags), in an OAI metadata format (e.g. Dublin Core via the OAI interface), or somewhere else?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Yes OJS3 indeed I gorgot to mention it. Actually the institution/affiliation is showing along the author and the abstract when submission is published. Nevertheless when in Submission and Review stage the editor within the workflow is not able to find the affiliation/instituteion information along authors names and abstract in with Metadata button (at least I did not find how to see it; and I remember OJS2 had it in submission stage info)?
Hi @vebaev,
Currently you’d need to go into the Metadata modal, find the Contributors list, and Edit each contributor to determine their affiliation. We’re hesitant to add more columns to these lists – @stranack, any thoughts?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
It is definitely an interesting suggestion. I’d like to hold off making any changes here just yet. But let’s keep our ears open for similar feedback and we can revisit it then.
Any progress with this issue?
I need author affiliation displayed in oia_dc, like in ojs 2.x
We just switched to OJS3 and we have the same problem. Editors cannot see the affiliation during the review (manuscripts are submitted anonymized) and they must somehow know that, to avoid selecting reviewers from the same institution/department. Has this issue been solved?
Thanks a lot!
What specific version of OJS are you using (e.g. 3.3.0-8) - please in? One can see the affiliation by going directly to Publication → Contributors and then “Edit” below the specific (this is as of OJS 3.3.0-8). It is not, however, displayed as part of the metadata - just part of the contributor information - so far as I can tell.
PKP Team
Hello Roger, Thank you so much for your response!
Indeed, It is there! I hadn´t thought about it…
Very useful.
Very best wishes,