Hi, a friend of mine install OPS in my hosting, but there isn´t admin user, and I can´t log. Can you know the table o columns in data base where I can create an admin user? or other method, I have access via ftp, phpmyadmin. But I can´t log into OPS
Hi @mc_mpz,
There is no PKP software called OPS so I’m not sure which software you installed. But in any case, an admin user account would have been created during the installation process. If you know what email address your friend would have entered for the admin account, you can select the “Forgot your password” link on the user login page and enter the email address, then the password will be reset for you. Or if you want to use the database you can follow the instructions here.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you, the software is OJS but I solve the problem:
First my friend installed OJS, but he didn´t give me the user and pass.
I change the E-mail in the table “user” using my phpmyadmin in my hosting service.
Then I go to OJS and click on “forgot password” and follow the steps. After that I change the the username in data base column.
WARNING: Do not change the password direct in the tables. It must be change in the platform OJS
Hi @mc_mpz,
Thanks for the tip! I’m glad you figured it out.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team