Hi everybody, hi @asmecher
Is it possible in the author submission to add a new section with a not mandatory check box?
(We want to allow authors to easily say yes to having their submission added also in a special section list in our company website).
Hi @ctgraham, hi everybody. Sorry to come back to this question.
I made a short summary to keep everything clear - at least for me (I also asked to some nice and kind users of this forum some tips, like @ronste1).
My need is:
Frontend authors view:
In the “Submission step 1” add the question that I want + checkbox + text related to the checkbox
Modify the template and locale files
/public_html/lib/pkp/templates/submission/form | filename: step1.tpl
/public_html/lib/pkp/locale/en_US/ | filename: submission.po
/public_html/locale/en_US | filename: author.po
Frontend reviewer/admin view:
Show somewhere in the picture here above the result of the new checkbox (here it is showed also the result of the “comments for the editor” box that we have in the “Submission step 1”)
To reach this goal, should I made changing in here? public_html/lib/pkp/controllers/grid filename: QueriesGridRow.inc.php