Dear Sir or Madam,
we would like to enable our journal for daily usage, but unfortunately we don’t know how ?
We tried several times to make a test by adding articles as authors, but reviewers and journal editors did not receive any email.
Could you please help us?
I thank you in advance.
Natasa Svrznjak
Do you receive any email from the OJS system? If so, what email do you receive?
What version are you running? Note that only very recent versions support the Sender Protection Framework, which many email systems (including big ones like Yahoo, for example) are now enforcing.
No, we don’t receive any emails from the OJS system. We are currently using OJS version. I suppose we have to migrate to a new version?
The SPF enforces that a host can only initiate mail that matches one of it’s hostnames. So for example, if your server is, but your editor’s email is, if you send to an email address, Yahoo will reject the message.
OJS addresses this situation in recent releases by using the journal’s primary contact as the sender with appropriate reply-to addresses for the editor, etc. In the example above the journal’s primary contact would need to have a address.
If no email at all is being sent, however, you may just need to fix your mail sending configuration. OJS defaults to using php’s mail() function. You can alternately configure OJS to use SMTP in If this is the situation, your hosting provider will be able to tell you which to use, and what SMTP settings to apply (if applicable).
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