I have setup Paypal as Fee Payment method and also selects “Purchase Article - under Reader Fees” option
for user to process payment if they want to download PDF article from our OJS site.
How ever, when user finished Paypal payment and goes back to our site, it still doesn’t granted access to download paid article .
I’m running OJS 2.4.8. I’ve checked the server log and see it has received an “IPN notification”
What I am missing ?
Please help !
thanks much.
Hi @Ptran,
Can you please confirm that you have a completed payment under the ‘Records’ tab in Payment Settings?
hello Michael,
Thank you for your reply, I just checked and see nothing in the ‘Records’ tab .
Hi @Ptran,
This indicates that your OJS instance is not receiving the ‘payment received’ notification from PayPal.
Just confirming that you’re testing with a journal IP address that’s publicly reachable by PayPal (i.e. not a localhost instance)?
Hello Michael,
I can ping my publicly journal ip address(not a localhost instance) from an outside location. I also received confirmation email from Paypal about the payment. I’ve notice in the email, it is using different language with an error about CURL Ca certificate. Would this caused the issue ? I’m not sure where to adjust the Language issue as well.
Much appreciated for all your help
Please see the email below
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 9:23 AM
To: ptran
Subject: [Jeunesse] Незвичайна активність PayPal
Система Open Journal Systems помітила незвичайну активність у функціонуванні модуля платежів PayPal журналу Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures. Може знадобитись подальше вивчення цього питання або ручне втручання.
Цей лист створений модулем PayPal системи Open Journal Systems.
Повна інформація про запит:
[transaction_subject] =>
[payment_date] => 07:23:05 Jun 03, 2016 PDT
[txn_type] => web_accept
[last_name] => tran
[residence_country] => CA
[item_name] => Purchase Article
[payment_gross] =>
[mc_currency] => CAD
[business] => jeunesse@xxx.ca
[payment_type] => instant
[protection_eligibility] => Ineligible
[verify_sign] =>
[payer_status] => verified
[tax] => 0.00
[payer_email] => larissaw@shaw.ca
[txn_id] => 6BD565647N879594V
[quantity] => 1
[receiver_email] => jeunesse@xxx.ca
[first_name] => Ptran
[payer_id] => 79FDAXTMCUFV2
[receiver_id] => V7BSMKTEKMCT6
[item_number] => 223
[handling_amount] => 0.00
[payment_status] => Completed
[payment_fee] =>
[mc_fee] => 0.45
[shipping] => 0.00
[mc_gross] => 5.00
[custom] => 695
[charset] => windows-1252
[notify_version] => 3.8
[ipn_track_id] => 99c59130e0312
Додаткова інформація (якщо наявна):
Confirmation return:
CURL error: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates
Дані сервера:
[SCRIPT_URL] => /index.php/yptc/payment/plugin/Paypal/ipn
[HTTP_HOST] => www.jeunessejournal.ca
[CONTENT_TYPE] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[HTTP_USER_AGENT] => PayPal IPN ( https://www.paypal.com/ipn )
[HTTP_CORRELATION_ID] => 99c59130e0312
[HTTP_CLIENT_PID] => 12303
[PATH] => /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
[SERVER_SIGNATURE] => Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Server at www.jeunessejournal.ca Port 80
[SERVER_SOFTWARE] => Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat)
[SERVER_NAME] => www.jeunessejournal.ca
[DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /var/www/jeunesse
[SERVER_ADMIN] => ptran@xxx.ca
[SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /var/www/jeunesse/index.php
[REMOTE_PORT] => 13334
[REQUEST_URI] => /index.php/yptc/payment/plugin/Paypal/ipn
[SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php
[PATH_INFO] => /yptc/payment/plugin/Paypal/ipn
[PATH_TRANSLATED] => /var/www/jeunesse/yptc/payment/plugin/Paypal/ipn
[PHP_SELF] => /index.php/yptc/payment/plugin/Paypal/ipn
[REQUEST_TIME] => 1464963796
Hi @Ptran,
There are two separate issues that you’ll need to resolve:
Language settings incorrectly set for your email templates. Please see the following thread.
CURL configuration issue on your server. This needs to be working correctly in order for OJS to process payment notifications from PayPal. You’ll need to contact your server admin to sort this out, e.g. for a Red Hat server see the following.
hello mfelczak,
Regarding to issue number one. I did applied the fix and even updated to version 2.4.8 of OJS but it still doesn’t fix the issue.
any other suggestion?
many thanks