3.4.x Slim Application Error when submit submission there may be a bug here

  1. Go to ‘submission’ in background
  2. On the 4 step ‘For the editor’
  3. If i set the value in the blank then on step 5 will get the SLim applicaiton error , if let this value to none all thing is fine.
  4. i checked the log , it saied duplicate entry ‘xx+x’ in the database of ‘query_participants’ table.I checked this table the ‘query_participants_unique’ index is unique .that is the problem.
    I had try a lot submiisons and reinstall many time .so i think this maybe a bug
    I am use OJS 3.3.0-4

Additional information
And now i just can edit the ‘CommentsForTheEditors.php’ change FieldRichTextarea to htmlField to close user fill in data here


You’re probably encountering Fatal error when making a new submission with certain editor configurations · Issue #10414 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub; see that entry for details and patches.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Yes you are right ! I had doing the same settings